Usage of "râ" - definite direct object in Persian


Direct object can be either indefinite (a book) or definite (the book). Look at the following sentences:

I bought a book today.
I bought the book today.

In the first sentence the noun (book) is general and its exact identity is not known. I only claim that I bought a book (i.e. not an ice cream or a bag), but it can not be known by the reader which certain book I bought.

In the second one the identity of the noun (the book) is known to the reader. Let me tell an example: We've been waiting months for the new Harry Potter part to be released, the day has finally come, I ran to the bookshop to buy it and then I called my friend: "I bought the book today." I can only say this sentence in the case of a presumed common knowledge between us: based on the definite object it is crystal clear for my friend which book I am talking about.

1. In Persian a definite direct object is always followed by the particle "râ":

Look at the following sentences and try to find out why some of them need the "râ" and some of them do not.

What does this sentence say? I eat cheese and not bread, egg or sausage. I refer to the general type of the food I eat in the mornings.

In this case I am not asking if you ate cheese or salami, I ask if you ate the certain cheese that was in the fridge.

2. "Râ" always follows the noun or the nominal phrase marking the definite direct object in the sentence:

3. Hints how to find out where the "râ " should be used:

  • if the object is a proper noun
  • if the object is marked by a demonstrative pronoun

  • if the object is marked by a possessive suffix 
  • if you would put the definite article (the) before the objective in your English translation

Don't forget that there are many sentences which are correct with and without "râ" as well but have different meaning.

The speaker wants to get a certain paper. Maybe this sentence is said with a hand gesture pointing to the paper on the table.

The speaker wants to get a piece of paper (for example in order to write something).

4. When the indefinite object is individuated (distinguished from others of the same kind) it is followed by the "râ".

The object is indefinite as the exact identity of the chocolate (which certain one) is not known, at the same time, it is individuated in the sense that I am distinguish this certain one from the other chocolates which I am not going to eat.

5. There are cases between definite and indefinite, in such cases using the "râ" is optional and usually based on the speaker, how much he or she wants to come close to definite:

6. In colloquial Persian the rule related to the usage of the râ is basically the same, but 

  • preceded by a vowel the "râ" is often realized as "ro":
  • preceded by a consonant the "râ" is often realized as "o":
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