General terms and conditions
Booking a class
You can find in «Booking and pricing» section a booking calender. Choose the day and time suits you the best. Add your e-mail address correctly. I will contact you within 12 hours after the booking. You can book a lesson after the payment too. The class will take place only after a completed payment.
Clarifying the details
If you need to clarify any details before making a decision, you can send a personal message directly from the site («Contact» section) or to my e-mail address: I usually answer in 1-2 hours, but always within 12 hours.
First lesson payment
After you have selected the time for the lesson, proceed with the payment. Currently you can pay using
- Paypal
During the first lesson you will be able to determine if the lesson suits your needs.
Lesson packages payment
After the first lesson, you will be able to choose a number of hours and pay for the package of lessons to continue learning. Packages of 5, 10 and 20 hours are available for you.
Cancellation Policy
Sometimes your plans change and you may have to cancel/reschedule your lesson. In this case, I require you to give me at least 12 (twelve) hours notice. Otherwise, you are liable to be charged the full amount for the scheduled lesson. If I cancel the lesson later than 12 hours before the class, your next lesson will be free. You can cancel the class only in writing. Use the site («Contact» section) or my e-mail address: