Why to learn Persian?

Talk to 110 million people 

How does that sound to you? If there is no special part you would like to concentrate on, we will focus on the written and spoken language equally. It means that after a time you will be able to understand news and stories in Persian, you will be able to have a conversation in Persian, you will be able to watch movies in Persian. If you already speak an Indo-European language, the grammar will be easy for you; and if you speak Turkish or Arabic, you will find a lot of familiar words in Persian.

What does it mean in numbers?
After 3 classes you will know everything about the Alphabet, you will be able to write and read
After 5 classes you will be able to build descreptive sentences and nominal phrases.
After 10 classes you will be able to build sentences in simple past and simple present stem.
After 15 classes you will be able to introduce yourself, to talk about your family and daily routine, to ask questions and answer them. 

Talk to the family of your partner

I am always very impressed when someone would like to learn the native language of the loved one. This way you will be able to communicate better with the family of your partner, but what is more important, knowing the language will give you a better understanding to the culture too.

Maybe you don't even recognise it, but you already know a lot of words: azizam, khubi, mersi, salam - do these words sound familiar to you? You see!

If you would like to concentrate mainly on the spoken language, we will do that. I won't bore you with archaic and only written-related expressions, but I will teach you a lot of cool slangs which will make native speakers very impressed. We will systemize your knowledge and I will teach you the grammar which will make you able to use the new words you pick up in the Persian-speaking community correctly.

Reach your career and academic goals 

Are you interested in the Middle-East? Would you like to have a job related to the area or are you thinking about working as a translator? Do you want to read Classical Persian poetry?

We can reach your goals together!

If you are an absolute beginner, then of course we will start with the basics. We will learn the alphabet, grammar and basic vocabulary, but when you reach the intermediate level, we can start to deal with your speacial interest.

If you would like to work with foreign affairs, we will learn the special terminology of this field and we will read news from real news portal.

If you would like to read Classical Persian literature, we will start with easier unpoetical texts; and then, step by step we will continue with poetical texts (from Ferdowsi till Hafez). In the meantime you will learn the special vocabulary and grammar of this period. 

Boost your language skill before a trip to Iran​ 

Are you planning to go to the beautiful country of Iran? Are you going to see Shiraz, the city of poetry, Persepolis, the ancient ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire, Isfahan, the half (of) the world - as the famous quote says, Tehran, the always living capital, and hopefully much more...

Iranian people are famous of their kindness and hospitality. If you would like to repay this kindness with a few Persian words, I promise you, you will make a lot of people happy and very thankful.

Based on the time we have before your trip we will learn useful sentences which can help you to introduce yourself, to ask for help, to manage simple purchases, to buy tickets and order in a restuarant. I will teach you very basic grammar which will make you able to build simple sentences with new vocabulary. I will teach you a few very cool slangs, which I am sure, will give you a lot of smiles and some discount in the bazar.

Are you a native speaker? 

You were born out of Iran, growing up in a Persian-speaking family, using the language every day, but as you visited a non-Persian speaking school, you never really needed to write and read. Is that you?

Don't worry! The Persian alphabet and poetry seem so difficult, but I promise you, it is not. We will learn the Persian alphabet within 2-3 classes. After that, you will able to write anything with the Persian alphabet and you will be able to read - first slowly - everything. We will start with easy texts such as tales having an archaic vocabulary. By reading you will learn the grammar of the formal and classical language; and you will be familiar with a lot of words only used in the classical texts. After 5-8 classes we will start to read classical Persian literature, first nonpoetical such as Golestan by Saadi and then we will start to read poetry from Ferdowsi till Hafez.

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